Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU IAP organized a seminar on "Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma: Myths, Facts and Evidence-Based Treatment"
PU IAP organized a seminar on "Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma: Myths, Facts and Evidence-Based Treatment"

Institute of Applied Psychology organized a seminar on “Neurobiology of Childhood Trauma: Myths, Facts and Evidence-Based Treatment”. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique, Director Institute of Applied Psychology. The Resource person for the seminar was Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School-Newark, New Jersey. In the interactive discussion, Dr. Muhammad Zeehsan addressed the Neurobiology of Childhood trauma and how it can be healed. Moreover he discussed cases and scenarios to let the students know about the types of trauma and shared facts and myths about childhood trauma. The seminar was concluded with a healthy Question, Answer session by students and faculty members of the Institute of Applied Psychology. Director Institute of Applied Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique, Dr. Fatima Kamran, Associate Professor, Dr. Afifa Anjum, Assistant Professor, Institute of Applied Psychology and other faculty members also joined the interactive discussion. Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique concluded the seminar by thanking the Dr. Zeeshan for taking his precious time out for the students of IAP after that Certificate and a hand made painting on mental health by students of IAP were presented to the resource person.