Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU awards five PhD degrees
PU awards five PhD degrees

LAHORE: (Friday, January 6, 2023): Punjab University has awarded five PhD degrees to the scholars in which Maqsood Ahmad S/o Shah Muhammad in the subject of Urdu after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Formative Stages of Modern Urdu Ghazal (Ghalib to Iqbal)’, Aisha Umar D/o Walayat Umar in the subject of Botany after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Production and Purification of Extracellular Laccase from Indigenous Species of Ganoderma’, Nafisa Gull D/o Ashgar Ali in the subject of Polymer Technology after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Hybrid Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Release System’, Muhammad Naveed Ashraf S/o Muhammad Ashraf in the subject of Polymer Technology after approval of his thesis entitled ‘Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Novel Eco-Friendly Polymeric Leather Tanning Agents’ and Faseeha Khursheed D/o Sheikh Khursheed Ahmed in the subject of Home Economics (Human Development and Family Studies) after approval of her thesis entitled ‘Psychosocial Predictors of School Refusal Behavior among Middle School Students’.