Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Seminar on Scholarship Opportunities for Pakistani Students in Russia
Seminar on Scholarship Opportunities for Pakistani Students in Russia

From February 26 to March 3, 2023, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan hosts an exhibition of Russian education with the participation of representatives of Russian universities. The first similar exhibition, held in November 2022, was held in Karachi and aroused great interest among both potential students and the faculty of leading universities in Karachi.
This time representatives of Russian universities will also hold working meetings in Lahore. The first university where the Russian delegation will arrive will be the Punjab University, the leadership of which pays special attention to the promotion of Russian language, providing the students with the opportunity to study it at the department of Russian at Institute of Languages and linguistics.
As part of the planned events, the delegation of Russian universities will meet with the leadership of the University, the faculty of the departments, visit the Russian language department and hold a presentation meeting for students of the Punjab University.
Together with a delegation of Russian universities, the head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will visit Punjab University to discuss the implementation of joint cultural and educational programs, as well as support and promotion of work to popularize the Russian language in the province and at the University.