Socio-economic justice to strengthen national integrity, Dr Shahid
Socio-economic justice to strengthen national integrity, Dr Shahid
LAHORE: (Thursday, September 21, 2023): Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC) Chairman Prof Dr Shahid Munir has said that the there is a need to ensure socio-economic justice in Pakistan to strengthen national integrity and achieve development goals through promotion of education. He was addressing a seminar on “A Critical Assessment of Pakistan Educational Policies on National Integration” organized by Punjab University Sughra Begum Center for Education Policy and Development at Al Raazi Hall. On this occasion, PU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood, Pro-Rector Superior University Prof Dr Muhammad Nizamuddin, Chairman Department of History Prof Dr Mahboob Hussain, Director Sughra Begum Center for Education Policy and Development Dr Sonia Umar, faculty members and a large number of students were present. In his address, Dr Shahid Munir said that economic exploitation was our one of the most important problems and the solution to all problems including education lies in the improvement of the economy. He said that why the problem of national integrity was not in India, Canada, America despite such a cultural diversity? He said that national integrity could not be strengthened by putting everything in the curriculum. He said that only 13% of the youth in Pakistan enter universities. He said that there are only two classes in the world, the rich and the poor. He said that if the economic problems of the people are solved, then the problems like national integrity are also solved. He said that poverty was the main reason why children stay out of school in Pakistan. He said that around 2,400 teachers will be trained this year under faculty development program. He said that leadership had an important role in national integrity. He said that for national integrity and development, women should come forward in every field. He said that there is a need to promote such research in universities that can solve the national, economic and social problems of the country. He said that information technology has to be promoted in every sector to solve employment problems. He said that teachers have to play a role to promote the trend of starting their own business among students. He said that developing skills among the youth is the need of the hour. Dr Khalid Mahmood said that the best educational policies are developed in Pakistan but their implementation is the real problem. He said that a matter which is to be seen is that how common and what quality of education is prevailing in the country. He said that two and a half cror children are not going to any school for which steps must be taken to ensure their admission in the school. He said that after government schools and colleges, the state universities are also being brought down by not patronizing them. He said that the problem of funding for government universities is being created and these problems are not being resolved. He said that the culture of corruption, incompetence and sifarish is destroying our country. He said that it is time to reap the benefits of educational policies through their implementation. He said that intolerance and extremism are increasing by ignoring educational issues. He said that all stakeholders have to play a role for the development of the country. Dr Nizamuddin said that educational policies regarding colleges were made very late. He said that the trend of failing children in school must be stopped and changes in the structure of the system at the school level should be introduced. He said that children who do not go to school have a problem of transportation. He said that big mosques can be used for primary schools before noon. Dr Mahboob Hussain said that we are in dire need of national integrity. He said that the Parliament did not play a role regarding the education policies and there was no discussion on such policies. He said that the recent parliament had 5 PhDs and 102 foreign qualified people but hired technocrats, experts and NGOs for development of education policies. He said that the recent parliament passed various Acts in haste. He described the role of language as important in the formation of national curriculum. He said that religious and linguistic divisions are obstacles in the way of national unity. He said that real history should be taught in the national curriculum and discrimination on the basis of gender should end. He said that teachers and students are not consulted while formulating educational policies. He said that the universities are suffering from political and bureaucratic interference. He said that there should be All Party Conference for the continuation of education policies. Dr Sonia Umar said that Punjab University will continue to play its role for the educational development of Pakistan. She thanked the participants and said that the aim of the seminar is to promote national unity through education.