PU VC inaugurates ‘Post Graduate Research Center of Creative Arts’
PU VC inaugurates ‘Post Graduate Research Center of Creative Arts’
LAHORE: (Tuesday, November 21, 2023): Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Khalid Mahmood inaugurated the Post Graduate Research Center of Creative Arts in Punjab University College of Art and Design. The center was established after the restructuring of Punjab University, whose first director is Prof Dr Ahmad Bilal. In this regard, a special ceremony was organized in which CAD Principal Dr Sumaira Jawad, Director Research Center Prof Dr Ahmed Bilal, Chairman Graphic Design Prof Israr Chishti, Chairperson Fine Arts Department Prof Samina, Chairman Graphic Arts Atif Ameer, Chairman Sculpture Habib Alam, Dr Naila, Dr Sara, Dr Aqsa, Dr Farjood Rizvi, Humira and in-charge textile Dr Asna were present. In his address, Dr Khalid Mahmood praised the research work done at the center and said that it is a pleasure that creative research projects are being conducted here as per the need of the society. Dr Bilal said that research can be improved only by improving basic facilities. He said that the main purpose of research in art and design is to make such innovations that the world can be better and for this we are taking steps to provide a pleasant environment and opportunities to our students. He said that the aim of the center is to promote research that is beneficial to society and increase job opportunities for our students. He said that after renovating the building and providing basic facilities for research students, the center is opened for regular classes. He said that the center offers PhD and MPhil education in the fields of arts and design. He thanked the VC for encouraging the institution. In the ceremony, PhD scholars presented their research artworks to the VC and other guests.