Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU Club family food festival concludes
PU Club family food festival concludes

LAHORE: (Saturday, December 23, 2023): Punjab University has organized cycling, football, cricket and tug-of-war competitions for the children on the second day of the Family Food Festival at Club’s Lawn. Stalls of various items of foods, drinks and garments were set up in the festival. On the second day, Dean Faculty of Economics, Business and Administrative Sciences Prof Dr Mumtaz Anwar Chaudhry, Chairman Club Committee Dr Munawar Iqbal, teachers’ families and children were present. In his address, Dr Munawar Iqbal said that the aim of the Family Food Festival is to provide the best entertainment environment to the teachers and their families. He said that the family food festival provides an opportunity for teachers' families and children to mingle.