Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU ISCS presents annual report
PU ISCS presents annual report

LAHORE: (Saturday, February 03, 2024): Punjab University Institute of Social & Cultural Studies’ Nutrition and Well-Being Society in collaboration with the Workplace Health and Safety Promotion Community has presented the annual report of 2023 and the calendar of 2024 to the Director Students Affairs Dr Muhammad Ali Klasra. On this occasion, Director ISCS, Prof. Dr. Rubeena Zakar, Dr Nouman, members of the Nutrition and Well-Being Society and students were present. In his address, Dr Klasra appreciated the students' presentation. He also praised the students, faculty and the department for organizing informative and health-oriented activities. Dr Rubeena Zakar commending the students for their hard work and extending thanks to the esteemed guests. Dr Nouman Ali while welcoming the guests and provided a brief overview of student activities, encouraging and appreciating them for their outstanding performance. Students from the Workplace Health and Safety Promotion Community then outlined their goals, mission, and vision, along with a summary of past-year activities.