Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU IAP hosted the "Closing Ceremony" after successful completion of (3) Months course entitled "Addiction and it's Management"
PU IAP hosted the "Closing Ceremony" after successful completion of (3) Months course entitled "Addiction and it's Management"

Institute of Applied Psychology hosted the “Closing Ceremony” after successful completion of (3) Months course entitled "Addiction and it's Management”. Institute of Applied Psychology (IAP), initiated this short course in collaboration with Out of Box Consulting (Oobcon). From the IAP Director Institute of Applied Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rafia Rafique” and Dr. Afifa Anjum, Assistant Professor, IAP, attended the closing ceremony. From OOBCON, Chief Operating Officer OOBCON “Ms. Maham Rasheed”, OOBCON Mentor “Dr. Mirrat Gul Butt” and course facilitators “Mr. Junaid Ahmed” Addiction Counselor and National Trainer for Colombo Plan Council, and “Ms. Rukhsana Mahmood” Senior Consultant & Clinical Psychologist from Kinnaird College for Women, were present. Prof. Dr Rafia Rafique concluded the ceremony by lauding the enthusiastic professionals who completed the certified short course and distributed certificates among them.